My beloved cat Bogi passed away September 17th. Bogi was about 20 years old. He was my best friend. I picked him out when he was just about 10 weeks old. He was tiny. And so timid. I
remember that when we first brought him home my mom was worried that he would get stuck underneath all the crap under my bed and then we would never find him! So she made him sleep out in the hallway the first night! We shut all the bedroom doors and trapped him in the hall. I remember hearing him cry because he

was so lonely. So I got my blue sleeping bag and unrolled it in the hall with him. I got my side lamp and plugged that in so we could see. We played in the hallway and then when I got into the sleeping bag Bogi crawled inside with me! I remember him at the bottom of the bag and I was so worried that I would kick him or that he would suffocate at the bottom. Turns out that night was the start of a long and wonderful relationship.

I could write so much about my faithful companion. He was always there for me. He would sleep on my chest or at the foot of the bed. When Cory would kiss me good night he would also have to give Bogi a kiss

who was usually perched on my chest. But no matter what I write, it will never be able to convey all the love that I had for him. I will never be able to find the words to express just how
much he meant to me.
The end came

fast. He had gotten sick a few months ago but all the blood work indicated that with medication he could live a few more years. So when Bogi woke up at 3AM Saturday morning, something seemed off and deep down inside I just knew that this wasn't going to be ok. The days that followed were not pleasant for any of us. The details are not necessary but I tired to make him as comfortable as possible. He spent his last days on my chest. I would hold him and sing to him. Something I had done his entire life. Early Sunday morning, I took him outside on our balcony and we felt the cool wind and fresh air.

Bogi loved to sit in front of the fire and toast himself. On Tuesday night we decided to have a fire all night long. He laid in front of the fire. Cory stayed up with him (playing xBox) until about 5am while I got a chance to sleep - naturally next to him. Then I stayed up with him and we watched the sun come up. For the rest of the morning he slept on my chest while I told him how much I

loved him. Later that afternoon we took him to the vet. He was wrapped in his favorite blanket, a quilt I had made, and Cory and I said good bye. I held him and our wonderful vet, Dr. Sheppard told me that when I was ready she would administer the medication that would end his life. I not sure I was ready but I just couldn't bear the agony any longer. Cory and I kissed him and in my arms he died. It was very peaceful for him. Not so much for me. But he passed shortly after 4:30pm. I held him for a while and I said goodbye for the last time as I handed my baby over to the tech. I am 31 years old and I had had Bogi since I was 11. Such a long time.
We had Bogi cremated. He is now rest on my dresser next to my side of the bed. I see him before I go to sleep and then when I awake. And when I pass, his ashes will be buried with me. We will always be together.

Cory used to make fun of me for taking so many pictures of Bogi or Lewis. I am happy that I did
because I have hundreds of pictures to look at when I miss him. I even took a few nice pictures of us out on the balcony the day before he passed. I have them framed with his paw prints. And I have pictures of him all around the house. I miss Bogi every single day. And I am not sure I will ever stop missing him. He was the love of my life.

I took this picture the day before he died. At the time all Bogi wanted to do was lay still but I had to take some last photos. I knew that I had to do this. I knew that these would be the very last pictures that I would ever take of my baby.
Here is a video of Bogi playing with a box. He loved it when I put catnip in the box which would make the box smell like nip. He'd play with the box until it was shredded in pieces.
1 comment:
Oh Christina, this was a very sweet post! I am so sorry for your loss, I can't imagine what it would be like to see rocky and Trixy become so sick. We love you and your always in our prayers.
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