Last weekend we went to Stockton for a wedding. One of Cory's friends from way back got hitched! So for Cory, it was like a high school reunion. The wedding was nice. They were married at University of the Pacific chapel. Apparently they do lots of weddings. While we were there we say two other wedding parties!! It was nice but hot and somewhat stuffy in the chapel. It was about 90 degrees in Stockton on Saturday! The reception was at Brookside Country Club where conveniently Cory's parents live on the 2nd hole. So we took his father's golf cart to the reception! We were seated with some friends that we meet through the happy couple as well as some girls from Stockton who Cory had crushes on both in high school. He was very good friends with each but was never able to pursue the friendship beyond just that! It wasn't too awkward for Cory having his wife sit next to girls he liked many years ago. He managed the dinner like a champ.

When the wedding was over we stumbled to where the golf cart was parked. By now, it was very dark and we both were a bit intoxicated. Good thing we weren't driving. Well at least not driving a car! The drive home was like Mr. Toad's Wild ride! Thank goodness the cart has headlights! Which was good because there were no lights on the golf course. Good thing it was a short ride home. Here is us in the cart on the way home.

On Sunday, Cory's mom Karen asked him to go through some of the stuff she had been saving from his childhood. She actually had stuff he made in preschool! So there we were sitting in their garage going down memory

lane. And wow, it is dusty! We found a piece of paper from the hospital that gave permission for treatment that they had given Karen to sign. She remembers the hospital making her sign it just as they were wheeling her into delivery!
The funniest things we found were old pictures!

My favorite is the one of Cory about 2 years old sitting with what looks to be a party loot bag. His face looks like he just gorged himself on the entire bag of candy! He looks like he is about to fall over! And I love his tee shirt with Big Bird and it has his name on it. That way everyone knows who he is!
Another really funny picture is the one with three boys and one girl. The boys are counter clockwise, David, Ryan, Cory and Marisa. According to the back of the picture, the three boys "were so impressed with Marisa going potty on the Big toilet." Cory is still very good friends with David. And David has a son, named David, who looks just like his father! We found a bunch of fun pictures.

This is proof that Cory has always been a clown.
You guys are to funny and so dang cute!! I love the picture of you both in the golf cart on the way home, I am just glad I wasn't in it with ya, I would have been freakin out!!! The pictures of "little" cory are cute too, I love looking at pictures of Jordan when he was young as well. I love you guys!
oh by the way, I love your glasses, are they new?
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