Monday, March 16, 2009

North Lake Tahoe

Here are some videos of Cory and I skiing at Northstar. We took the videos at the end of the day when we were both pretty tired and the snow was getting a bit slushy but I had lots of fun skiing with one hand holding my poles and the other holding the camera. We started at the top of the mountain on a black run and then headed down to the bottom of the mountain. As you get toward the bottom of the mountain the runs become increasingly easier which means the runs are more crowded with beginner skiers and snowboarders. At one point, Cory told me he was done with me taking videos of him. And at that point we were amongst a lot of beginners. We were maneuvering around them. I had the camera in one hand and my poles in the other and I was just about to put the camera away when I ate it! And I almost took Cory out. I veered towards him and almost got myself righted but then at the last second couldn't and landed on my stomach. The entire time I was worried that I'd break the camera but it was fine, I managed to turn it off before I went down. The only thing damaged was my ego! Flat on my stomach on a green run!! I was hoping that I had captured my fall on the camera but I guess I had stopped it when Cory told me to. I actually did what he said. That's a first!!

This is the start of the fun! We started at the top of the mountain on a black run and worked our way down the mountain.

This video, a bit before the 1 minuet mark, you can kind of see a kid down on the left but you can really hear the kid crying. I remember seeing the kid fall and laughing. Not very nice of me. Then Cory decided to goof around and ski like a beginner. You'll see him snow plowing!! Pretty funny. We are skiing down on a green run so you'll see lots of beginners.

Cory and I ski at different levels so we usually split up in the morning and he'll ski the back of the mountain which is usually more difficult. Before we split up he told me that he wondered what would happen if I fell and then got knocked out cold because no one would see me in my white snow gear!! Boy, that made me feel confidant. On the chair lift, I ended up ridding up with a ski patrol guy and two other gentleman. I told told them what Cory said to me and they laughed!! But the patrol guy said that someone would end up seeing me! And if no one did, one guy suggested just to yell for help until someone saved me. Actually, Cory thinks I am a better skier than I think I am. I can ski black diamond runs. It may not always be pretty but I can manage to get myself down the mountain. And here is me skiing down a black. But I must say, Northstar's blacks are very easy to get down.

This trip, Cory and stayed at North Shore. We usually stay at South Lake Tahoe. I must say that I really liked North Shore much better. It is much smaller and much more beautiful. Right on the lake and surrounded by trees. We stayed at the CalNeva, which left something to be desired. It was a dump. Cheap but not very nice or clean. With only a few small casinos around we managed to find two seats at a blackjack table. Several hours and too many beers later we walked away down. But we had a fun time. Towards the end of the night it was just us and a guy who had no clue what he was doing. It is hard to play with people who have no idea how to play the game. What you do affects what happens at the table. But anyhow... we had fun.

1 comment:

Jordan and Chandra Smith said...

I am jealous, It sounds like you had a lot of fun! I miss the ski trips I use to take!